
Natural Beauty Of Nature Products for Skin Care

Natural Beauty Products for Skin Care - Now many people want to get instant health and beauty, one of them in skin care that looks as if looking at a "beautiful images/picture of nature". Health & beauty or make up natural is a primary requirement for humans, especially for women in terms of nature beauty makeup. But did you know that 60% of the products applied to the skin will be absorbed into the body? Therefore be careful in applying anything to the skin. For many beauty products that contain chemicals that may be harmful to health or body as for the eyes, hair, face, skin. So along with the rise of the Green Living campaign too busy to get back to nature. Because naturally ingredients/homemade beauty products in addition to relatively good for the body is also safe for the environment.

Natural Beauty Of Nature Products for Skin Care

To get a beautiful glowing skin can be achieved through the materials available in nature or around our homes. So, in addition to avoiding you too hastily to a beauty salon, it also makes you more creative. The following natural ingredients for beauty products that can be used as a prescription skin care and other beauty.
>> Lemon juice
This one is the simplest of ingredients and can brighten the skin like no other. There are many benefits of using lemon juice as well. This drink can tighten pores, get rid of the oil and makes clean, shiny and glowing face. Just use lemon juice directly on your face and remember to wash it off within a few minutes.
>> Eggs
This is not for vegetarians of course! Take eggs (either whole or just take the white). The first will produce effects as a moisturizer, while the white part will only tighten the skin. Rub gently over the face and then rinse with clean water.
>> Honey
Honey can be used almost every day in the face. It is a good moisturizer and can fight off infections and acne and keep skin soft and supple.
How, apply and rub gently on the skin and leave it until five minutes and then rinse. Perform to perfection with mix a little lemon juice and sandalwood powder. Apply this paste to your face and then rinse with clean water.
>> Strawberries
The fruit is very effective as a cleansing mask. Contains Vitamin C, antioxidants and exfoliants. You can put strawberries on your face with just with previous smoothing, and then used as a mask or then by rubbing gently into your skin.
A strawberry smoothie mask can be made by mixing fresh strawberries and blueberries with plain yogurt and honey.
>> Bananas
This fruit is also a good moisturizer and can impress fresh skin. Just mashed banana with a little honey and rub it on your face. Let stand for 10 minutes then rinse.
By doing facials with five natural ingredients that you will get clean glowing skin and slow down aging.

For that you can try two skin care with natural beauty product the following:
  • Virgin coconut oil in the Life Tree Spa
As the name implies, this spa inspired palm tree which is a typical Indonesian plant and is considered as a source of life. Nothing is wasted from the coconut tree. Roots, stems, fruits until the leaves can be used for household needs.
Of milk processed in a certain way (without heating) will result in coconut oil or virgin coconut oil (VCO) that has a high benefit for health and skin care. VCO can help soften, rejuvenate the skin, eliminating black spots, and strengthen skin tissue.
All the spa treatments are based on energy healing technique using homemade care range containing VCO, was named Cocona. You can feel the perfect relaxation through treatments, among other Self Healing Massage (restore energy), De-Stress Massage (relaxation), or Detoxifying Massage (remove toxins).
  • Ginger gold body treatment at Martha Tilaar Salon & Day Spa
So far we know ginger as a spice in cooking, also to warm the body, reduce joint stiffness, relieve nausea, and so forth. From some recent research , it is known ginger also has benefits for the beauty that is the circulation of blood which makes the skin brighter, smoother and supple.
The advantages of ginger is used by a variety of treatments in the beauty salon called ginger gold body treatment. Besides ginger, also added root oil, olive fruit oil, caffeine, and so on, so the smell of ginger is not hard and is more fragrant. This treatment begins with a series of steaming body so that the pores open. Followed by a body scrub to remove dead skin and cleaned with a body wash that also contains ginger.
Another specialty of this treatment is a massage that uses a mixture of body oil and body glitter gel containing gold. The combination of ginger and gold gives a cooling effect, as well as reduce swelling and fat deposits. Treatment followed by a soak in the bath dominated spice ginger, and the last body oiled body cream that gives a warm sensation and firmer skin. Treatment covered by drinking a glass of warm ginger water refreshing.

That bit of knowledge about beauty products made ​​from natural and multiple ways how to care for skin beauty. mudaha hopefully become a reference for your knowledge and the importance of natural beauty products compared with products containing chemicals for health and beauty ourselves.